Does Columbine Valley have a building department?
The Town has its own Building Department to which applications for contractor licensure and building permits must be submitted prior to commencement of construction or remodeling. The Building Department is responsible for reviewing construction plans, issuing building permits and managing building inspections. Call 303-795-1434 to contact the building department coordinator or visit the website at
Do I need a contractor license to work in Columbine Valley?
Yes. Contractor licenses can be applied for at Town Hall located at 2 Middlefield Road, Columbine Valley, CO 80123, or online at
Is there a contractor license fee?
The contractor license fees are listed here.
Can general contractors, subcontractors, roofers, etc., advertise with signs during construction?
The Town prohibits advertising signs of any kind.
Does Columbine Valley charge sales and use tax?
Columbine Valley charges 3.25% on half the total valuation of the project. This is collected when the permit is issued and is nonrefundable.
I am planning a remodel of my home. Why should I get a building permit?
This is a question many people may ask themselves when planning alterations to their home. A decision not to get a permit could be very costly. Some homeowners are finding when they try to sell or refinance their home, prospective buyers or lending institutions want proof that alterations are in compliance with local codes. Without a permit and inspection on record, there is no proof. The homeowner must then apply for a permit with no guarantee that the remodel will meet the codes, and they face the possibility that the remodel must be redone or removed. This is costly and frustrating and could cause delays in refinancing or a lost sale of their home.
Why does the Building Department require a signed contract from the homeowner?
The contract is used to determine the valuation of the project. Without a signed contract, the permit will be valuated at by the miscellaneous project valuation schedule.
How are permit fees calculated?
Fees are calculated based on the schedule of valuations.
How long does it take to complete plan review?
Plans are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on the size and scope of the project, plan reviews can take from 2 days to 2 weeks. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 for more information.
Can I work on my own home?
Any work done on your own home will be subject to all building codes and Town building permit and inspection procedures. You will need to apply for a building permit if required by the scope of the project.
Do I need to have a license to do work on my own home?
No. A homeowner (who owns and occupies the house) may do any or all of the work (building, plumbing, mechanical, heating and air conditioning, and electrical). If you are not sure of your abilities to do any or all of the work, it is recommended that you hire a licensed professional.
Do my drawings need to be professionally done?
Drawings for house plans need to be professionally done. Some smaller projects do not require professional drawings. They must be clear and detailed enough to indicate what the project is and how it will be built.
What if I have made an alteration to my home without realizing I needed a permit and I want to correct the situation? Will I be subject to a fine? Do I have to tear down the whole project and start over?
Penalties can be levied for those who do not comply with the law. The Building Department would rather see a building conform to the code than punish a homeowner. If a homeowner discovers that they did not obtain a permit when required, they do not necessarily have to tear down the project and start over. If the alteration can meet the applicable codes, they will be approved. Our inspectors won’t necessarily approve something they cannot see and may require that small sections of wall or roof covering be removed to verify the construction meets the code. There can be no guarantee that some changes may need to be made, and some changes may not be easy to accomplish.
What building codes does the Town follow?
The Town follows the 2018 Building Code and the 2020 Electrical Code. Contact the building department at 303-795-1434 for more information.
Does Columbine Valley have their own inspectors?
The Town contracts with inspectors. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to schedule an inspection.
When are building inspections?
Inspection times vary depending on the inspector assigned. Please call Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to set up an inspection.
Do I need a permit to replace a window?
A building permit is required any time there is an addition, alteration, repair or conversion to the home. Examples include roofing, replacing a water heater, remodeling a kitchen, finishing a basement and adding a deck. Permits are not required for painting, drain cleaning, new floor coverings, gutters or cosmetic improvements. If you have any questions about whether or not a permit is needed, contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434.
Do I need a permit for landscaping?
Depending on the scope of the project, a permit may be required. Generally, if the project involves plumbing and electrical, a permit will be required. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 for details.
Do I need a permit to replace a hot water heater, air conditioner or furnace?
A building permit is required any time there is an addition, alteration, repair or conversion to the home. Examples include roofing, replacing a water heater, remodeling a kitchen, finishing a basement and adding a deck. Permits are not required for painting, drain cleaning, new floor coverings, gutters or cosmetic improvements. If you have any questions about whether or not a permit is needed, contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434.
If I take out a permit to remodel a home built 10 years ago, do I build to the code in effect when the home was originally built?
No. The new portion must meet the current codes unless the remodel creates a hazard for the existing building, such as overloading an existing beam.
Can I park a camper, motorhome, boat or trailer in my driveway?
Trailers of any sort cannot be permanently stored in driveways. Exceptions to this rule are: when stopped or parked in compliance with the direction of a police officer or official signs, for the purpose of visiting for less than 48 hours, for temporary loading or unloading not to exceed 18 hours, or when a permit has been acquired.
Can I leave a work trailer in the street?
Trailers cannot be left in the street without a permit. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 for more information.
Can I put a dumpster on the street?
Yes, the HOA should be notified and cones placed around the dumpster.
Do I need to test for asbestos before demolition?
An asbestos test is required for all demolition projects. You will need to provide documentation of test results. If the asbestos test is positive, an asbestos abatement is required.
Do I need a permit to remodel my kitchen or bath?
Depending on the size and scope of the project, a permit may be necessary. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 with the scope of your project to determine whether a permit is necessary.
Do I need a permit to remodel or build a deck?
Generally, it the deck is above ground, you will need a permit. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 for more information.
Can I put a sign out for my company or the contractor’s company?
No company signs are allowed in Columbine Valley.
Can Town Hall refer construction companies?
No. Contact your neighbors or friends for recommendations.
What kind of building records does the Town keep?
For older homes, the Town is likely to have only permits and inspection slips. The Town may have more documentation for newer homes.
What is the purpose of permits and codes?
The purpose behind building codes is to give reasonable assurance that a home is safe from structural failure, fire hazards from electrical and heating systems, electrical shock and health risks. The permits provide a permanent record of the work performed and inspections conducted on the project.
Why should I use a licensed contractor?
Any contracted person who is not currently registered with the State Construction Contractors Board is working illegally. In addition, the registration provides some protection to the homeowner from being charged for work and materials not provided or paying twice for them (material suppliers and subcontractors can place a lien on your home if they do not receive payment from your contractor). Trade licenses for contractors performing plumbing and electrical work provide some assurance that they have adequate knowledge and training in those fields.