The Columbine Valley Municipal Court is in session once a month. All court appearances are virtual via Zoom unless in person is requested. If you need an interpreter, please contact the Court Clerk at
Joining the Virtual Courtroom
Once you have joined the Virtual Courtroom, you may experience a short wait in the Waiting Room. A Court Clerk will check you in as soon as possible. Once checked in, you will be shown a video advisement of your rights. When the Town Prosecutor is ready for your case, you will automatically be moved into his room. This can take up to an hour depending on the number of cases that day, so please be patient. All juveniles must have a parent or guardian present with them while on Zoom.
Via Smartphone or Computer
- If you have never used Zoom, prior to your court date, download the Zoom app.
- To join the virtual court, click the “Join Court” link below at your specified log in time
- February 20, 2025
8:30 AM – Last Name A-L – Join Court
10:00 AM – Last Name M-Z – Join Court
Remote Public Access to Municipal Court
- Observers may view using Remote Public Access.
- Please rename yourself as “Visitor” or “Observer”.
- After identifying yourself as a “Visitor” or “Observer” you will be moved into the Courtroom to watch the proceedings.
- Cameras may be on or off at the “Visitors” or “Observers” discretion.
- All “Visitors” and/or “Observers” may disconnect at any time.
Via Telephone
- Dial: 1-646-558-8656 | Meeting ID:898 3938 9296
- Phone controls for participants:
*6 – To Mute and Unmute
*9 – Raise Hand
Questions? Contact Columbine Valley Town Hall at 303-795-1434 between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM Monday through Friday.
Court Resources