Click this “Pay Your Ticket” button ↓↓↓ to pay your ticket:
Your customer number is also the summons/ticket number.
Look at the blue summons for instructions regarding payment and points assessed to your driving record for traffic tickets. There is an “amount due” box near the center of the summons that will let you know if payment by mail, online, by phone or at the front counter at Town Hall is an option, or if you must appear in court.
You may pay by mail, online, by phone or at the front counter at Town Hall If there is a dollar amount written in the “amount” box by the officer (Box B).
To pay by mail: Sign and date your blue summons copy and mail it to Town Hall with a check or money order (made payable to Columbine Valley) for the amount written in the box. The signed blue summons must accompany payment. If the signed and dated summons does not accompany your payment, it will be sent back to you.
A reduction in points may be possible provided payment is received at least 24 hours prior to your court date.
If you choose to, you can bypass the early payment option and appear in court on the given date.