March 23, 2018: The approved version of the WPF Construction Management Plan Approved 081517 Updated 091917 is available for reference.
July 14, 2017: The Final Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented to the Board of Trustees for their consideration at the Regular Meeting of that body on Tuesday, July 18 at 6:00P.M. The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens and public comment will be heard. The 07-18-17 Board of Trustees Agenda is available for review and all the supporting reports and documents can be seen at the following link: Some documents are quite large and may take time to download. Hudson Gardens will also be hosting a concert at the same time as the Trustees Meeting. Reserved parking is available; print this Columbine Valley 071817 Parking Pass and follow the instructions to access the reserved lots. Please contact Town Hall if you have any questions about the meeting or plan being presented.
June 7, 2017: The Final Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration at the P&Z meeting on Tuesday, June 13 at 6:30 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens and public comment will be heard. Please see all the supporting documents at the following link: Some documents are quite large and may take time to download. The Construction Management Plan will be added to the above linked drop box by the end of the day on June 8, 2017. Please contact Town Hall if you have any questions about the meeting or plan being presented.
May 3, 2017: The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, continued from April 11 and scheduled for May 9, has been postponed until June 13, 2017. That meeting will be held at 6:30 P.M. at the Inn at Hudson Gardens. The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet briefly on May 9th, at 6:30 P.M. at the Columbine Valley Town Hall to officially continue the meeting. No other action or discussion will occur at that time. Questions may be directed to Town staff.
April 6, 2017: The staff report addressing the Final Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented by staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration at the P&Z meeting on Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens and public comment will be heard. Please see the Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda 04-11-17 and all supporting documents at the following link: Please contact Town Hall if you have any questions about the meeting or plan being presented.
December 7, 2016: At their meeting on December 6, 2016, the Board of Trustees took action on the Preliminary Plat and Plan of the Wild Plum development application. WP Preliminary motion and action 120616 This motion should be considered in draft form until approved by the Trustees at their regular meeting on January 17, 2017.
December 5, 2016: The staff report addressing updates to the Preliminary Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented by staff to the Board of Trustees for their consideration at the Board of Trustees special meeting on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. WPF staff report 120616 WPF prelim plat 120616 WPF prelim plan 120616 WPF prelim landscape 120616 95 Unit Plan 11216 3 Submittal Narrative Revised Plan 110216 The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens.
November 29, 2016: The following documents are part of the background provided to the Board of Trustees as they prepare to consider the Wild Plum preliminary plat and plan on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens and will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting on the 6th is open to the public but is not a public hearing and public comment will not be heard on that evening. Additional information and documentation will be posted as it is available. PART ONE: A intro page B full staff report part I revised November 11 2016r C letter of intent narrative D preliminary development plan E preliminary plat G archelevnorth H arch elev south PART TWO: A part ii full report nov 14r B revised ltr intent july 29 C revision 4 and 5 D appendix a e E appendix b 1 F rev calatlantic exisiting arch elevations to town 7-29-16 part 2 H evcalatlantic exisiting arch elevations to town 7-29-16 part 1 MISC DOCS: calatlantic exisiting arch elevations to town 7-29-16 part-1 exhibit-b-1 Sections F and H of Part one and Sections G and I of Part Two could not be posted to this site due to size and are available in hard copy at Town Hall.
November 29, 2016: We have summarized the Development Review Process to help in understanding how it all works.
November 4, 2016: The meeting of the Board of Trustees to consider the Wild Plum Farm Preliminary Plat and Plan has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Inn at Hudson Gardens and will begin at 6:30 p.m.
This date is a change from the originally announced date of November 15. The change was made due to logistics of meeting space and a concern over a quorum of Trustees on the originally announced date.
Information on the meeting agenda and process, and the full staff report will be made available on this site closer to the meeting date.
October 25, 2016: There is no updated Staff Report for this evenings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. The following documents contain new comments received since August 18th. Appendix B Wild Plum Farm and WPF Exhibit B-1.
October 6, 2016: The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting that had been scheduled for this coming Monday, October 10 has once again been continued. The developer has requested this continuation as they continue conversations with Columbine Valley HOAs about the development at Wild Plum Farm. The meeting is now scheduled to be held on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Inn at Hudson Gardens.
September 8, 2016: The developers of Wild Plum have sent a letter to the Town requesting a continuation of the Planned September 13, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to October 10, 2016. Once a meeting location is determined, the Town will post the information on this site. Request for Continuance 090816
August 26, 2016: The developers presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission from the August 23, 2016 meeting is available here: Wild Plum Developer Presentation 082316
August 18, 2016: APPENDIX A- COMMENTS RECEIVED AFTER JUNE 8TH is an appendix to the August 15 Staff Report and includes comments from outside referral agencies, HOA’s and residents that the Town received through noon today. This appendix has been transmitted to the Planning and Zoning Commissioners.
August 15, 2016: The staff report addressing updates to the Preliminary Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented by staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration at the Planning and Zoning Commissions regular meeting on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. Staff Report 081516, Submittal Narrative Revised Plan Aug 9, and Revision 5a The meeting will be held at the Arapahoe County Building at 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120.
August 9, 2016: The developer of Wild Plum Farm has submitted a new round of revisions to the Town for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the August 23 meeting. WPF August 4 Letter of Intent, WPF Revision 4, and WPF Revision 5
August 1, 2016: Several updates/revisions to the Wild Plum development application have been received by the Town. These documents will be addressed in a forthcoming staff report (made available on this web site as soon as it is prepared) and will be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the continuation of the Public Hearing on the Preliminary Plat and Plan of the Tuck property, Wild Plum Farm. The meeting will be held at the Arapahoe County Building at 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120 on Tuesday August 23 at 6:30 P.M. Wild Plum Letter of Intent 7-29-16, CalAtlantic-Wild Plum Land Plans to Town 7-29-16, CalAtlantic- Wild Plum Elevations to Town 7-29-16 Total
June 7, 2016: The staff report addressing the Preliminary Plat and Plan of Wild Plum (the Tuck property) will be presented by staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration at the Planning and Zoning Commissions regular meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. The Executive Summary will be presented at the meeting. The Full Staff Report continues to be compiled but will also be provided to the Commissioners for their review. The meeting will be held at the Arapahoe County Building at 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120.
May 27, 2016: The Town received the Wild Plum Phase II Report from the Town’s traffic consultant. Questions about the study can be directed to the Town by phone or email.
May 10, 2016: PCS Group submitted its development application to the Town of Columbine Valley for Tuck property on April 27, 2016. The following attachments regarding the proposed development of the Tuck property by PCS Group were forwarded to all Columbine Valley HOAs for review and comment on April 29, 2016. Letter of Intent (Narrative)Preliminary Development Plan North Site Area Sample Elevations South Site Area Sample Elevations Traffic Impact Study Phase 1 Exec Summary These documents are not the official Staff Report to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the Public Hearing on June 14, 2016 at 6:30 at the Arapahoe County Administration Building. The Staff Report will be available on this site on June 10, 2016.
March 1, 2016: The Tuck Family, owners of Wild Plum Farm have entered into an agreement with PCS Group for the purchase of the property. The agreement is preliminary in that PCS will conduct their “due diligence” activities before entering into a final sale contract. No plans have been submitted to the Town.
December 17, 2015: The Town has recently confirmed that Hines has decide not to proceed with their purchase and development of Wild Plum Farm, also known as the Tuck property.
July 1, 2015: The Tuck Family, owners of Wild Plum Farm have entered into an agreement with Hines for the purchase of the property. The agreement is preliminary in that Hines will conduct their “due diligence” activities before entering into a final sale contract. No plans have been submitted to the Town.
May 12, 2015: The City of Littleton has received an application for rezoning and plan approval for the property on the southwest corner of Bowles Avenue and Watson Lane. The case has been referred to the Town. The Town Staff has prepared the Clayton Family Farm Referral staff report to assist the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees in their review. The issue will be discussed at their respective meetings on May 12 and May 19, 2015. Both meetings begin at 6:30 P.M.
February 13, 2015: This staff report addressing the Final Plat and Plan of Wilder Lane will be presented by staff to the Board of Trustees for their consideration at the Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Wilder Lane Staff Report to the Board of Trustees Feb 2015. The report often references the Wilder Lane Final Plan and Plat.
January 12, 2015: This staff report addressing the Final Plat and Plan of Wilder Lane will be presented by staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration at the meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:30 P.M.Staff Report – Wilder Lane Final Approval or if you’d prefer you can just read this Executive Summary – Wilder Lane Final Approval.
December 10, 2014: The Town has recently confirmed that Taylor Morrison has decide not to proceed with their purchase and development of Wild Plum Farm, also known as the Tuck property. “Unfortunately, Taylor Morrison is unable to make the purchase of this property viable at this time and has cancelled escrow”, Phillip Cross, VP of Land Development. No additional information has been presented to the Town at this time.
October 14, 2014: As a reminder to interested parties, Town staff has assembled this summary of Columbine Valley’s Development Review Process, discussing how a development is considered from start to finish. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Town staff by phone, email or in person.
October 14, 2014: This staff report addressing the Preliminary Plat and Plan of Wilder Lane will be presented by staff to the Board of Trustees for their consideration at the Board of Trustees regular meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. Wilder Lane Staff Report to Board of Trustees Part 1 of 2 and Wilder Lane Staff Report to Board of Trustees Part 2 of 2
September 8, 2014: This staff report was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 5, 2014 Wilder Lane Staff Report to P & Z Part 1 of 2, Wilder Lane Staff Report to P & Z Part 2 of 2 and will be discussed at the Public Hearing on September 9, 2014 at 6:30 P.M.
September 8, 2014: The Tuck Family, owners of Wild Plum Farms have entered into a preliminary agreement with Taylor-Morrison for the purchase of the property. Taylor-Morrison is also the developer of the Willowcroft Manor project which is now under construction. The agreement is preliminary in that Taylor Morrison will conduct their “due diligence” activities before entering into a final sale contract. No plans have been submitted to the Town.
Taylor-Morrison is hosting two identical public meetings, details of which are included in the following announcement: Wild Plum Farm – Informational Sessions
August 25, 2014: An informational meeting will be hosted by the developers of the Wilder Lane project on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. While the meeting will take place at Columbine Valley Town Hall, this is not an official Town meeting, no action will be taken, and no person will be in attendance in any official Town capacity.
August 13, 2014: Please read the most recent Wilder Lane Development Status Update for August 13, 2014 including the Wilder Lane Preliminary Plan 8-13-14. This project is scheduled for a Public Hearing at the September 9, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
May 22, 2014: Toll Brothers Withdrawal: Tuck Development Update May 22, 2014
Apr. 18, 2014: This staff report was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 18, 2014.Wilder Commons Staff Report II to P & Z This will be discussed at the April 24, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting.
Apr. 11, 2014: This staff report was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 8, 2014. Wilder Commons Staff Report to P & Z
Mar. 11, 2014: Please read the most recent Wilder Commons Development Status Update for March 11 2014 including the Wilder Commons Preliminary Plan 3-4-14 (3). This project is scheduled for a Public Hearing at the April 8, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
Mar. 7, 2014: If you would like to file a complaint about construction on the Willowcroft site, please complete and email this form: Willowcroft Customer Service Request Form. (email address at top of form)
Feb. 3, 2014: Please read the most recent Wild Plum Farm Development Status Update for 2/3/2014
Jan. 28, 2014: We have included the Development Review Process to help in understanding how it all works.
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