How do I get a trash or recycling bin?
The Town has a contract with Republic Services to provide trash and recycling bins to residents. Contact Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to set up new service.
When is trash and recycling picked up?
Monday is the trash day for the Town. The schedule for trash and recycling pickup is posted on the Town calendar.
Can the Town get rid of a dead animal?
The Town can remove dead animals from public property such as streets or parks. The Town cannot remove dead animals from private property.
Can the Town remove a downed tree branch or other obstruction?
The Town will remove any obstruction as long as it is on public property. Call Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to report an obstruction.
Can the Town replace the gutter pan near my home?
In certain circumstances the Town can repair gutter pans. If a gutter pan issue is determined to be dangerous, the gutter pan can be scheduled for repair during the next paving project. Call Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to discuss the issue.
Can the Town fill a pothole?
Yes, if the pothole is determined to be dangerous and large enough to fill, the Town will repair it. Call Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to report any potholes.
Does the Town plow snow?
The Town plows snow based on the guidelines here.
What happens when my streetlight goes out or is broken?
Call Town Hall at 303-795-1434 to inform staff of any issues with streetlights; the Town will report the issue to Excel Energy, which is contracted to maintain the streetlights.
How often does street sweeping occur?
The Town contracts with the City of Littleton for street sweeping. The Town tries to request street sweeping as often as possible, but street sweeping is subject to Littleton street sweeper availability.
A stormwater drain is full of debris. Will the Town unclog it?
Yes, the Town unclogs stormwater drains. If you notice a stormwater drain is clogged, call Town Hall at 303-795-1434.
What material is used on the streets to remove ice?
The only material that is applied to the streets is Ice Slicer, a naturally occurring salt that is mined and shipped from Southern Utah. It is one of the materials that both Littleton and CDOT uses.
Where and when is Ice Slicer applied?
Ice Slicer is generally applied after it has stopped raining or snowing, and ice is present on the street surface. It is applied at all intersections, steep hills and sharp curves.
Is Ice Slicer safe for pets and lawns?
Yes, Ice Slicer comes from the same deposit as Real Salt, the No. 1 selling food-grade sea salt that is sold in health food stores. It contains minerals and micro-nutrients that in small amounts will actually help vegetation grow better.